Monday, December 31, 2007

New Year's Eve 2007

Went to visit Grandma J this past weekend. I brought her a basket of yarn, needles, a pair of scissors, a tape measure and some chibi tapestry needles. She has not knitted in years, hence me having her remaining yarn and sizable needle stash. I bought some fabulous mohair that just called 'Buy me for Grandma J' while I was at The Merc last week.

Grandma J was thrilled with the mohair. She held it and even petted it against her cheek. You know you've done that too with a yummy yarn. I cast on and did a few rows to get her started. I was not sure if she remembered how to knit and did not wnat to push so I left everything with her. I found out today that she talked with one of her daughters after our visit and had already knitted 1.5 inches! So she remembered. It's in her long term and muscle memory. I am thrilled that she is knitting again. This is a wonderful knitting event to wind up an otherwise very challenging 2007. I'm ready for 2007 to end and for a fresh new 2008 to begin.

I've been spending most of my time over at Ravelry. Here are a few of my FO's from my Ravelry only flckr account just in time for New Year's Eve.

May 2008 bring, health and happiness to you and yours. Oh, and lots of great yarn and needles and FO's and WIP's and all things knitting.


Sourire11 said...

It looks like Gramma J loved all of her new knitting stuff!

Happy New Year to you and your family!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely thing for you to do and what a great pass-time for her. Cute slide show!
All the best in the new year!