Tuesday, April 29, 2008

R2-KT is HERE!!!

What excitement! The R2-KT action figures arrived in the mail today from StarWars.com! The Star Wars Fan Girl in me is so excited.

I've had the honor of chatting with Katie's Dad via email and her Mom (trooperchick) via Ravelry. Both are lovely, this is a kind and loving family who have experienced a great loss, but have journeyed forward while remembering their sweet daughter.

OMG. Go check out the Fun and Games section on r2kt.com Albin included two pictures and a blub about my R2-KT hat. He said he would post them and this is the first time I went back to check and they are there. My hats are listed on the same page as the MIT R2-D2 Hack among other very cool Droid inspired art.

Our loved ones live on, in our hearts and minds, and sometimes in little Pink droids!

1 comment:

Just A Knit Wit said...

That is so sweet! I actually got a little teared up.