Tuesday, March 06, 2007

When A Chair And A Throw Feel Like Old Friends

We received a few pieces of furniture, including the fuzzy blue chair shown above, from Grandma Janette over the weekend. Yes the knitting Grandma Janette, the one with the fabulous needle and yarn stash. I have fond childhood memories of this chair.

It was part of a delightful reading nook in Grandma and Papa's living room. There was the chair, a side table with a funky silver lamp, a Madonna and child like picture on the wall and dried pussy willows in a glass vase behind the chair on a large, built in register cover.

Come to think of it the little table also boasted a little mouse made of fabric and brambles of some sort, oh she was cute. She had a stuffed skirt/base, bramble head, chest and arms, little wire glasses, and a little shawl. The best part was that she was knitting. She held two little wooden knitting needles with about an inch square of stockinette in cream wool.

The cream colored wool throw over the back of the chair was in amongst some bed linens. I'm certain it's a Grandma Janette FO. If it's the throw I think it is the last time I saw it was 7 or 8 years ago while visiting Papa. I'd brought two hats I'd knitted to show him. One in wool, one acrylic. He favored the wool hat, it was quite fabulous. The throw in question was on the foot of his bed. He patted the throw with his hand commenting on how it made him think of Janette. You could hear the love he held for her in his words.

That's one of the cool things about knitting. The love that can transfer from the knitter to others through knitted items.

For now the chair and the throw are in my living room. They make an excellent reading spot. They remind me of happy times from my childhood.

I hope that one day one of my FO's may hold such memories.

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