Sunday, October 07, 2007

Gram Rembmered and Seven Years

Dave's Gram passed on last night. She was your definitive Italian Grandma. The food I experienced at her home was no less then epic, unlike anything I've experience anywhere else. Gram was kind, loving and capable of feeding an army.

Today happens to be our seventh wedding anniversary. So in memory of Gram and in celebration of our wedding here is a picture of us with her at our wedding and just for fun one of my favorite bubble pictures from our bubble filled getaway after the service.

Dave and I have had seven years of new life, of loss, of heartache but mostly of joy. Happy Anniversary to my dear husband and peace to our dear Gram.


Mary said...

Im sorry to hear of your loss.The pictures of your wedding are so beatiful.Happy Anniversary to both of you.

Sourire11 said...

Happy Anniversary!

I'm sorry to hear of your loss. The photograph of you two with her is beautiful.