Wednesday, August 06, 2008

A bit fixated

Jackpot! Behold a screen capture of the Dr. Horrible lab coat from the Ariel episode of Firefly. I'd read somewhere, who knows exactly where, that it was a reused costume piece from Firefly.

Since I just can't get enough NPH at the moment I signed out the 2004 Broadway production of Assassins from the library today. NPH sings the roles of The Balladeer and Lee Harvey Oswald. I'd forgotten just how dark and angry, yet fascinating I find this musical. Again NPH delivers the goods.

In knitting news I'm stagnating a bit waiting for the Knitting/Ravelympics. I started another square on Rambling Rows but I'm feeling a bit burnt out. I did finish unknotting that skein of hand dye. Did have to cut it once. Had to be done. E and I wound my Olympic sock yarn into a cake today. I have my needs, and yarn. Still need to print up the pattern.

In the interim I've printed up directions for a Tardis. I have a girlfriend in NY who might just like a little knitted Tardis.

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