Sunday, March 22, 2009

Toe UP Sock FO

Finished the latest pair of socks last night. Learned the Elizabeth Zimmerman sewn cast off from Knitting without tears. What a fab cast off. I'm loving learning new techniques. The socks are snug and a bit itchy. Ok they are super itchy. Still need to order a bottle of wool wash from Knit Picks. So many wants, while the needs keep rolling in, like shoes for the kids.

Anyway thrilled about the sock FO. I'm thinking two at a time on two circs is my new sock knitting technique of choice. Now to fine tune the needle stash a bit and think about another set of socks. I paged through my new Cat Bordhi sock books. Drool. I think I may be ready to tackle CB socks soon.

Also thinking about knitting a shawl sometime soon. Jackie from Knit Knite suggested a possible KAL in comments. I think that would be fun. I have not done a full blown lace project for some time. Hmmmm. Need to percolate.

In non knitting Geek Girl news Jenny the author of the GeekDad blog post about meeting Wil Wheaton stopped by in comments. How cool! Thanks for stopping by. She also blogs over at her personal blog Imaginary Village.

In reading news I'm on book three in the In Death series. Yes it's already getting a bit formula but I'm having fun. I love the character Mavis. She is so flamboyant.

Let's see family news. E has two new pairs of sandals and a new pair of tennis shoes. Who knew new sandals would elicit so much joy and excitement. I have a little fashionista. H could care less about fashion, just like Dave.


Jackie F. said...

I'm so curious about Cat Bordhi's sock constructions, now that you and Liz have both mentioned the book! Glad you're happy with the two circs method. That was my first circular method, and I still use it on sleeves. The sock cast on for two circs is definitely easier than magic loop when doing two-at-a-time. I'm still deciding about which heel and toe are my favorite...

Sparky said...

Your socks are beautiful!!! Toe up will be my next attempt.